
During World War Two, the unobstructed Burma-Dunay Highway provides benefit on the transportation the supply of materials during the difficult time of the Anti-Japanese War.

Many impoverished ethnic minorities live in the 100,000 mountains in the Burma area, as well as the descendants of military forces and immigrants from mainland China.

CMA entered Myanmar in 2016 and established a ministry base.

School Building Construction

We entered this place where there is no water or electricity and learn to live a simple life in order to adapt ourselves to enter a more difficult ministry location.

Well Digging

Mission School Ministry

CMA established a ” missionary school ” in Myanmar to train ethnic minorities and Chinese descendants to become ” missionaries.

“These missionaries learn to live a simple life, study Bible lessons in the morning and learn various life skills in the afternoon to prepare to enter the difficult and displaced mountains to preach the gospel in the future.

We pray that in the future by combining “Daily Lifestyle” and “Gospel” together can help the needy people in the mountainous region.

Church Service/Baptism

Pray for the guardians of Myanmar

    Enter Minority People Groups

    Ministry Bases

    After completed the required trainings in the mission school, the students then continue with a year of training in the “Advance Base”, before sending out to the fields in the mountains.

    We hope that in the future by combining daily life and the gospel, we can help the indigenous people in remote mountainous areas.

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    Life Bank Project

    At the same time,
    CMA gathers together with them to set up a tent-weaving church.

    Under normal circumstances,
    the laying rate of laying hens is 70%, 50 laying hens can produce 30-35 eggs per day, and about 1,000 eggs can be collected a month. The income is about the income of primary school teachers in the countryside, which improves their lives tremendously. CMA helped them in their lives and spread the “Gospel” to them.

    We build mission schools and teach them life skills to improve their lives.

    At the same time spread the gospel to them and
    set up a tent-weaving church.

    At the same time spread the gospel to them and set up a tent-weaving church.

    Orphans of Asia

    Jesus’ love came to “orphans of Asia” and establish churches among them.

    The country you are currently browsing is: Myanmar


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