It’s Time To Respond
The gospel has been in China for more than 200 years,Now is the time to “pay the gospel debt”!
Christians, what is on your mind?
Please complete and submit the below survey.
Also, feel free to forward the survey to your Christian brothers and sisters.
Thank you
This survey is intended for Christians
Please complete and submit the survey.
Also, feel free to forward the survey to your Christian brothers and sisters.
✞ Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. May God bless you! ✞
Cross-Cultural Mission Survey Result

It’s the Time!!
I.Questionnaire data resources:
1. Data collection – From 08/26/2021 to 09/28/2021, 1708 valid questionnaires have been collected and analyzed in the following areas –
A. Gender – Male (489, 28.96%), Female (1219, 71.04%)
Gender | Male | Female |
Quantity: | 489 | 1219 |
Percentage: | 28.96% | 71.04% |
B.Geographical Area: Northern area – (572, 34.88%)、 Central area -(446, 27.20%)、 Southern area -(495, 30.18%)、 Eastern area – (32, 1.95%)、 Overseas – (163, 9.94%)
Geographical Area | Northern area | Central area | Southern area | Eastern area | Overseas |
Quantity: | 572 | 446 | 495 | 32 | 163 |
Percentage: | 34.88% | 27.20% | 30.18% | 1.95% | 9.94% |
C. Age Range: below 20-year-old (48, 2.93%) 、 between 21 to 30 (180, 10.73%) 、 between 31 to 40 (320, 18.90%) 、
between 41 to 50 (443, 26.16%) 、 between 51 to 60 (502, 28.96%) 、 between 61 to 70 (191, 10.85%) 、 above 70-year-old (24, 1.46%)
Age Range: | below 20-year-old | between 21 to 30 | between 31 to 40 | between 41 to 50 | between 51 to 60 | between 61 to 70 | above 70-year-old |
Quantity: | 48 | 180 | 320 | 443 | 502 | 191 | 24 |
Percentage: | 2.93% | 10.73% | 18.90% | 26.16% | 28.96% | 10.85% | 1.46% |

Question A – What do Chinese Christians care/concern most in life at this moment?
A-1 Data indicated “most care” and “very care” for cross-cultural mission – 20.52%
( Data indicated “most care” and “very care” in Question A five areas -)
Cross-cultural mission | Church ministry | Marriage/family | Career development | Post-graduation study | |
Quantity: | 842 | 1165 | 1207 | 484 | 405 |
Percentage: | 20.52% | 28.39% | 29.42% | 11.80% | 9.87% |
( Data indicated “most care” and “very care” in Question A five areas -)

A-2 “Cross-cultural mission” chosen as “most care” and “very care” among
Question A five areas
Cross-cultural mission | Church ministry | Marriage/family | Career development | Post-graduation study | |
A (”most care” & “very care”) | 9.86% | 13.64% | 14.13% | 5.67% | 4.74% |
B (“neutral” & “not care”) | 10.14% | 6.36% | 5.87% | 14.33% | 15.26% |

Question B – Reasons that affect Chinese Christians participating cross-cultural mission
B-1 Reason – 1. Economic concern、2. Family concern、3. Safety concern、4. Ministerial skills
Data indicated “most care” and “very care” in 1-4 reasons
Economic concern | Family concern | Safety concern | Ministerial skills | |
Quantity: | 1084 | 1151 | 1169 | 1240 |
Percentage: | 23.34% | 24.78% | 25.17% | 26.70%: |
Data indicated “most care” and “very care” in 1-4 reasons

Christian NEWS

GOOD TV 好消息電視台
超宗派的中華宣教聯盟自2020年8月成立,至今串連全台200多間教會與機構。10月8號召開媒體發佈會,理事長張茂松及執行長王僕分享異象,表示已有超過150位宣教士遍佈四大區域18個國家,一同宣告華人宣教時刻已經來臨! 華宣盟除了傳遞宣教負擔外,也收集了1708份有效問卷,調查發現遍佈全台及海外的弟兄姊妹,相較於教會服事、職場升遷、婚姻家庭等領域,已有9.86%的人關心異文化宣教。 看見問卷調查的結果,執行長王僕也以自身20年來的宣教歷程,鼓勵眾教會要有所行動,活出大使命。 接下來,華宣盟也將在11月6號線上舉辦宣教大會,傳承具體的宣教策略,幫助華人教會在普世宣教上不缺席。

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