
When Gandhi became independent in 1956, more than 95% of Pakistanis in the Republic of Pakistan believed in Islam as the official religion of the country and a few believed in Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (ESV)

Pakistan claims to be the country of exporter of terrorists.

CMA landed in Pakistan in 2005

God led us to settle in a small town in the foothills of the Himalayas and established a ministry base.

Twenty-Four Hours Surveillance on the Base Entrance.

Training According to Schedule

Church Service and Bible Classes

Strong Earthquake

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 on the scale of Richter occurred.

The CMA base has just been established, only a few months before the earthquake.
In the early morning of October 8, 2005, about 90 kilometers northeast of Islamabad , the capital of Pakistan, a strong earthquake of magnitude 7.6 occurred.

This was the strongest earthquake experienced in Central Asia in nearly 100 years and caused severe disasters in northern Pakistan.

In the Kashmir earthquake, Pakistan’s official death toll was 87,350, and CMA immediately joined the relief work.

Disaster Relief

Because of the severe disaster, the entire area was controlled by the military. After obtaining the consent of the Pakistani military commander, CMA actively participated in the disaster relief. This area is a very strict Muslim area.

We convened a meeting of local Muslim elders and obtained permission to enter the village to help the local reconstruction, including medical and educational services.

Start disaster relief process after the consent of the Pakistani military commander.

In the preceding and following stages, CMA set our feet in a total of 22 aboriginal Muslim tribe villages in the foothills of the Himalayas.

In the early stage of post-disaster reconstruction in Pakistan, CMA provided medical services, and in the mid-stage of post-disaster reconstruction. This including providing education and services to Pakistani women, youth and children.

The results of the local disaster relief work of the CMA co-workers won the Pakistani government’s public awards and recognition.

Garment Factory

By teaching local women the basis of tailoring in the disaster area, a garment factory was opened after two or three years later. In addition to teaching women in the disaster area, CMA also provided local women job opportunities.

God’s thoughts are higher than human thoughts. Through the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, this extremely deep Muslim hard soil was shaken and a series of wonderful journeys of Pakistani ministry began!

We thank God for the special gift for CMA co-workers the opportunity to serve in the deepest Muslim villages in Pakistan.

Sunday School

We also found the descendants of Christians living slums around the cities of Pakistan. We had the opportunity to start the work of Sunday school teacher training. Starting from a class with a village to a city, the ministry grew to ten cities within a few years. A total of more than two thousand people trained.

Young people are refreshed in spirit and are willing to use for the Lord. They took the Sunday school teaching program and hosted more than 2,000 Sunday school classes in more than a dozen cities.

Children Ministry Teachers

APS Primary School

The children from the Christian village in these slums were squeezed by the dominating Muslim society and had almost no education opportunities in the past.

We saw their needs and felt the importance of cultivating people, so we opened APS primary schools in two different cities that were legally registered by the local government.

CMA provides completely free teaching and has been deeply involved in Pakistan for many years. Today, the two APS primary schools have developed into twelve APS primary schools.

CMA introduced outstanding retired teachers from Taiwan to young people in the local Sunday school and train them to become local teachers in APS primary schools.

We also set up a Christian Fellowship for the local teachers and classmates of Pakistan in APS Primary School in order to continuously counsel them spiritually.

Students graduating from APS primary school have excellent grades in special examinations across the country and are widely acclaimed.

Today, the children of the first APS primary school have graduated, and several of them have been admitted to local high-quality universities.

At present, we continue to use scholarships to support these children who were originally born in slums and they also experienced spiritual renewal while having the opportunity to be educated in college!

Such children are produced continuously, one after another every year!

Pakistan Choir

It is believed that through time and under the blessing of God, these children will be touched by God and go into the deepest part of Muslim kingdom of Pakistan after graduation to bring positive influence in all areas of the society and the country.

By serving these children, the ministry program not only provides the opportunity to turn their lives and also provide the opportunity for these students becoming leaders in various fields in Pakistan and to transform Pakistan!

“He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and on them he has set the world.” 1 Samuel 2:8 (ESV)

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