期待已久,新出爐熱騰騰的官方網站和首部影片,終於上線囉 !
在台灣疫情升溫的時刻,耶和華的軍隊,今日宣布,浮出檯面。願為主贏得更多失喪的靈魂 ! 《歡迎按讚和分享 追蹤、訂閱我們的頻道喔 !》【十字架與機關槍The Cross vs. The Machine Gun】在衣索比亞博物館花園內,有座教士雕像這座雕像,一手拿著十字架腳下放著大型機關槍在福音傳播過程中,也會遇見這種現象當我們我們深入非洲在那地,開墾、建造、挖井取水、禱告成立織帳棚教會遇見開始內戰我們生命財產受到威脅,被迫移轉進期盼,由華人興起的宣教隊伍,將上帝十架的愛,傳遍地極。
In the garden of the Ethiopian Museum, there is a statue of a priest with a cross in one hand and a big machine gun next to his feet. While spreading the Gospel, we also will encounter this phenomenon. As we go toward the inner part of Africa, not only have we cultivated farm lands, constructed buildings, dug wells and hosted prayer gatherings, we have also established tent-weaving churches.We then encountered the Ethiopian civil war and our lives and properties were threatened and forced to move to other locations. We hope that the Chinese mission team can continue to spread God’s love to the end of the earth. ….
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